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Table top battle

A little peanut, sent to war was put on duty by the door He told the nuts when he was spel...

Angel's Eyes

The rain falls down from leaden skies,

All's well that ends well

Short Story Competition Entry byJoan Lussi, resident of a Ryman village

Generous living

Short story competition Entry by Goff Squire, resident of a Ryman village It was an early ...

Anzac Day 2020

As Anzac Day draws nearer

Passing parade

A multitude of walkers Come passing by our door. From first thing in the morning Till afte...


As coronavirus starts to bite With visitors not allowed on site And social isolation becom...

Angels in Disguise

I always thought that angels Were clothed in garments white, With shimmering wings and hal...


Do not ask me to remember. Don’t try to make me understand. Let me rest and know you’re wi...

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Homemade summer cordial
Feijoa Cordial
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Vietnamese Prawn Spring Rolls
Using dried flowers in crafts
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