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Your online destination for an active body and stimulated mind.

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Alone versus lonely

You may find this helpful to think about how you are doing at this stage in the lockdown.


Looking back across the years to the many things you have done To make each day full of lo...

Opposite's parade

“Whatever did the neighbours think?” I wondered all day long.

Vision's journey - a poem...

I have spent

Dreaming fishermen

Dreaming fishermen There is no aim in me any more…

On the Move

In and out the cul de sacs And up and down the streets

Healthy brain

Getting fit and staying active on a regular basis is hard enough but with the new self-iso...

Trying to diet

Lovely roast ‘taties in gravy so brown Roast beef and green peas –feel them slide down Pin...

Wednesday morning

Another day, another dawn – I wonder where all the rest have gorn? What was the year that ...

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Homemade summer cordial
Feijoa Cordial
How to dry flowers naturally
Vietnamese Prawn Spring Rolls
Using dried flowers in crafts
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